"DESCRIPTION 1"="To increase the buffer size (in Bytes) for characters sent/received by your communications device (modem) on a specific COM port. "
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Default Buffer value is 128. High values will decrease modem transfer speed slightly, but might prevent loss of characters at high baud rates (above 9600 bps). "
"DESCRIPTION 3"="Experimenting may be necessary to find your best setting."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="This is only necessary for external modems, internal modems (e.g. riser-card) do not need this!"
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"=" "
"COMMENT 2"="Thanks to AXCEL216!"
"COMMENT 3"="Thanks to Chris [mailto:cgmt@flashmail.com] for the "no WIN.INI" bug-fix!"
"COMMENT 4"="Thanks to Petr Tandler [mailto:tanpe@volny.cz] for the "external modems only" note!"